With a unit pump, each atomiser has its own pump driven by a camshaft in the engine. In German, that system is called ‘PLD’ Pumpe-Leitung-Düse. Unit pumps from the various manufacturers are very robustly built and because there are very few moving parts in these unit pumps, reliability is often very high. These systems are mostly used in trucking and industry. There is a wide variety of unit pump types, with Diesel Büchli having access to a large stock of return parts in addition to its readily available stock with which new exchange products can be produced. Beyond our own stock, we also have access to a large international network of reliable suppliers so that we can often meet your needs.
To ensure proper operation, it is very important to carefully follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. Clean operation is an absolute necessity in this respect. It goes without saying that any cause of pump failure must be eliminated prior to installation.